Artists’ kōrero with Ane Tonga
Declaration: A Pacific Feminist Agenda brings together 12 prominent artists from across the Pacific whose works set a feminist agenda by foregrounding the most pressing issues of our times: climate change and resilience, tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty), activism and social justice.
Join us for a kōrero between some of the artists and curator, Ane Tonga to hear more from them personally about their creative process and how their work is a tool for personal and collective empowerment.
This event will proceed at Red and Orange with:
1m distancing
Facemasks mandatory
Scan in using the COVID app
Vaccination passports mandatory
See our website for full terms and conditions of entry
A recording of the kōrero will also be posted to our youtube channel following the event.
Image credit: Coco Solid, Aunti FM, Commissioned by Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki 2022.
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